Lunch Program

Students may bring their lunch from home or purchase a lunch at school. St. John Vianney participates in the Federal Milk and Lunch Program. Free or reduced lunch and milk will be provided to eligible students. Information, including eligibility criteria and application for participation in the program, is available upon request. Free and Reduced lunch applications must be completed every year to qualify. Parents will be notified on any day their student(s) does not have lunch.

Breakfast and Lunch Provider for SJV

Avondale Elementary School District #44.

Avondale Elementary School District provides a secure, fast, and easy-to-use online ordering website that allows SJV parents to view lunch menus, order, prepay and manage student lunches on the web.

The parent/guardian is responsible for payment of the student’s meals until the application has been approved. If your financial status changes, an additional application can be submitted anytime during the school year. A new application must be completed each school year (Per USDA regulations, applications for the new school year may not be distributed until after July 1st of each year.).

How to Setup Your Lunch Account

All students must have accounts on the TITAN website. You will need to register for an account that you will then use to deposit funds for your student.

  1. Visit their website at
  2. Click REGISTER (top right corner)
  3. Enter your information, then click Submit
  4. An email will be sent to you; once received, click Verify Email
  5. Once verified, the pop-up window will indicate your account is verified and registration is complete. Click Back to LINQ Connect
  6. Enter your username and password to log in to your account. (First time log in, you will Acknowledge the Terms of Use.)
  7. To add your student(s). Click Add (Under Add Accounts).
  8. Enter Student Information.
    1. Type: Student
    2. District: Avondale Elementary School District #44 (simply type Avondale, then choose from the drop-down menu)
    3. Student ID: Use the member ID for your student(s) found in School Speak, then add the number “1.” Example: If the member ID is 123456, the student ID for LINQ Connect is 1234561.
    4. Click Add.
  9. Repeat the process for each of your students.