Educational Goals

The school provides the transition from school to an extended care atmosphere. Learning experiences and play activities encourage spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical growth in a spirit of gospel values.

The child should:

  1. Become aware of the fact that he/she is a child of God and will develop and grow in a relationship with Him.
  2. Come to understand that all are children of God, and as Catholics, our focus is to serve each other.
  3. Develop basic social skills including increased independence.
  4. Enjoy being part of a group and accept the need to share and cooperate.
  5. Respect the rights of others and at the same time express his/her own rights and needs.
  6. Develop a positive self-image and acknowledge his/her self-worth.
  7. Demonstrate the desire to learn.
  8. Secure trust in adults other than his/her parents.